Nubra Valley

Paradise in Himalayas

Nubra Valley of Ladakh

Recorded as one of the five authentic divisions of Ladakh, Nubra valley is situated the north-eastern part of Ladakh, Bordered with Baltistan and China from the north, and Tibet from the east. The area covered by this valley is approximately 205 Kilometres in length and 115 Kilometres in breadth, making this territory 24,000 Square Kilometres wide.
Nubra is sub divided into three valleys, namely; Nubra River Valley (which is further divided into Yarma, Tśurka and Farka), Upper Shyok Valley called the Gyen, and the lower Shyok Valley called the Shama.

Known for its monasteries, temples, plantations, picturesque vistas, and double humped Bactrian camels; Nubra Valley is the northern most part of India. Originally called “Ldumra”, meaning valley of flowers, this is a must visit destination when you are in Ladakh.


Nubra Valley has a lot to offer to every visitor. It has the absolute stunning landscape and scenic view not seen anywhere else on this planet. Take a look at the major attractions of this amazing valley.

Beacon Highway

A stunning route from Leh to Nubra Valley, the Beacon highway is considered to be among the most elevated highways in the World. Almost all the Motorcycle Tours of Ladakh include this adventurous ride from Leh to the Nubra Valley in there packages.

Sand Dunes of Hunder

The Delightful village of Hunder is traveler’s paradise. Situated approximately 160 kilometers from Leh, travelers have to cross the extreme Khardung La Mountain pass.
This high altitude cold desert is very close to Siachen Glacier. Known for its barren landscapes and extremely cold nights, travelers usually indulge on a short ride of Bactrian camels for fun. These are the two humped camels which were the main mode of transport in medieval age.
Due to its remote location and extreme environment the facilities are limited. Travelers can spend the night in camps provided by hosts. Lately guest houses and small resorts with basic amenities are also built in this part of valley considering the growing number of tourists reaching this place every year.

Khardung La Pass

High mountain pass (17,582 feet) of Himalayas, Khardung La is among the most elevated mountain passes in the World. The pass was opened up for public in the year 1988, since then it has been in the bucket list of adventure seekers. The route to Shyok Valley and Nubra Valley goes from this high mountain pass. The peak of Khardung La is approximately 39 Kilometres from Leh, and is maintained by the Border Road Organization of India. An inner line permit is required by travelers before entering this zone.
Adventure bikers and tourists from all around the world cross this amazing pass to enter the stunning Nubra Valley; this adventure soaked experience is a must-do activity when you are visiting Leh.

Turtuk Village

One of the northern most villages of India, Turtuk Village is a part of Leh, situated in Nubra Valley. Also known for the last outpost of Indian army, Gilgit-Baltistan is just 2.2 Kilometres away from this place. Places to see in Turtuk include Museums, Ruins of Brokpa fort, and Monasteries.

Diskit Monastery

Also known as Deskit / Diskit gompa, Diskit Monastery is the most ancient Buddhist monastery in Nubra Valley. Located above the plains of Shyok River, Diskit village is commonly known as the orchard of Leh. The climate is favourable for vegetation and you can see a lot of Apricot plantations while you pass through this scenic village. Diskit is a significant part of Nubra and is also the headquarters of the administration of Nubra division.

Significance of Nubra Valley

Silk Route

Local villagers formed a successful trade route with China and used to exchange Wool, Spices, Clothes, and many other essential commodities before 1950’s. This route was considered to be the Silk Route of Leh and was the primary source of wealth of the Maharajas back then.

After the borders were sealed this route became less significant among traders and more prominent among the travellers. Not to forget the gigantic 76 Kilometres long Siachen Glacier, the second-longest glacier in the World (non-polar regions).


Nubra isn’t simply known due to its picturesque landscapes. The valley is overwhelmingly filled with Buddhist communities that still continue the age old tradition of Buddhism in there learning centres.

The 32 meters tall Maitreya Buddha statue is a part of Diskit Monastery and is an amazing wonder of Nubra. Ganden Sumtseling Monastery located between the villages of Kyagar and Sumur is also worth visiting. On way to Panamik you can visit Ensa Gompa, while on the way to Sumur you can visit Samstemling Monastery.

Best Time To Visit


Since Nubra is situated in the high mountains almost 10,000 feet from the sea level, the weather is cold throughout the year. Even during the months of June and July (months of summer season in India) the temperature drops below 0°C during night.
During the months starting from December till February, the temperature remains sub-zero and the road usually remains closed for tourists.


The ideal time to visit Nubra is from April till mid of October. The months of April, May and June are usually warm in this valley; post which the weather changes as the winter approaches.

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